Soy AzuraRK. antiguamente Rockxer (de ahí el RK). soy un dibujante con conocimientos de astronomía, composición musical, animación algunas ramas de la ciencia y recientemente quiero aprender programación.
Mi mente está llena de miles de pensamientos y siento que vivo como si fuera dos personas... todo lo que vivo lo verán representado en lo que hago. Arte
Hello there, and welcome to Newgrounds. I hope you have a great time around here, during your stay.
It seems your objective arounds these grounds is to become an artist (I can tell by the first thing you've done here, which is submit a drawing to the Art Portal) - that's nice. For this cases, I would highly recommend to take a look to the Content Submission Guidelines (in this case, Art Submission Guidelines) to avoid any kind of problems and misunderstandings with the Newgrounds Moderation Team, at long term (the Moderation Team don't have any necessity to give you any explanations when it comes to remove submissions, after all, so I would also recommend having some discretion from your part, in that aspect).
Here you have the Art Submission Guidelines, at the following link - please, make sure to consult them in case you have any doubts when it comes to if you're allowed or not to submit something:
Contacting via PM with a Moderator for asking is a valid choice as well, but I would recommend you to do it in specific cases.
Anyways, putting that aside - once more, welcome aboard, have fun and see you around.
Have a good day.